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AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.
7th Grade AVID
My name is Mrs. Bastin and this is my first year being an AVID elective teacher! I love teaching especially science. My favorite science topic is Astronomy. I love spending time with my family and going to all of our kiddos sporting events. One of our favorite family activities is to watch movies or going to the CHIEFS games. I look forward to a terrific year getting to know my students and learning how to be the best AVID elective teacher I can be.
Cory Bastin
Katie Richardson
I teach 6th grade English Language Arts and 7th grade AVID! Some of my favorite things (beside teaching) include eating Chipotle, drinking lots of coffee, and taking a million pictures of my corgi named Beans! I am so thankful for my incredible AVID site team and my amazing AVID kids I get to work with! #RichAVIDFam
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